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Confusion with Reddit

I've had a Reddit account since 2016. I only read and posted in the Python forum (1 million subscribers!). Yesterday, I unexpectedly received a shadow ban. This means that my comments and posts are invisible to others. Essentially, it's read-only.

I created several new accounts from different IPs and devices. It turned out that email verification is no longer required. This process takes 15 seconds. On some accounts, I verified the email, but it didn't help. Here's an example of a newly created account without email verification, and it's still active because nothing has been done on it: https://www.reddit.com/user/No-Half8140/

If you have the ability to receive a verification code via email like dff35fghf@hfhlltgf.com, you'll automatically get a free PRO version of the account, which includes advanced statistics and other perks. However, the account remains in a "pre-ban" state.

Upon testing, I found that all new accounts are in this "pre-ban" state. This means you can change your avatar, read, vote, and the accounts are visible when logged out or from a private browser window.

However, attempting to post on your own wall (which automatically appears upon registration), write any comment in any discussion thread (even in /askReddit and /NewToReddit), create a post in any group, invite someone as a moderator to your wall, or follow someone without karma results in an instant shadow ban. The account becomes invisible from a private window and logged-out devices, the avatar turns red, and it cannot be changed.

The symptoms are the same for all IPs and languages (English, Polish, Russian). ChatGPT says that this is how it is now, and a ban is very likely. However, I see some activity in groups about Moscow and St. Petersburg, which means people somehow manage to pass this test... But how?

AI Reddit is going wild!


What Are Resident Proxies and How Do They Work: A Detailed Guide for Beginners

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time5 min

Often at work, I encounter services that provide offerings such as resident proxies. Yet, I have never delved deeply into the topic. I have always simply consumed the product “as is,” as some lazy authors like to say.

I have a general understanding of how this type of service works at a layman’s level, and I became interested in exploring the topic more deeply and attempting to share the conclusions I reached through a deeper understanding of what resident proxies are. Let’s see what comes out of it. No recommendations here—just the subjective, evaluative opinion of yet another “specialist.”

Proxy servers are intermediaries between your device and the internet, allowing you to hide your real IP address and alter the appearance of your connection. Think of it as a white camouflage coat in snowy weather, if we speak in very simplistic terms. Let’s start from that—options for camouflage. However, comparing with camouflage coats would be rather dull; instead, let’s recall animals and insects that use camouflage and try to draw a parallel. In fact, I’ve already done so.

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The Future of PostgreSQL: How a 64-bit Transaction Counter Solves Scaling Issues

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time5 min

For many years, the PostgreSQL community was skeptical about using this database management system (DBMS) for high-transaction environments. While PostgreSQL worked well for lab tests, mid-tier web applications, and smaller backend systems, it was believed that for heavy transactional loads, you’d need an expensive DBMS designed specifically for such purposes. As a result, PostgreSQL wasn’t particularly developed in that direction, leaving a range of issues unanswered.

However, the reality has turned out differently. More and more of our clients are encountering problems that stem from this mindset. For example, in the global PostgreSQL community, it’s considered that 64 cores is the maximum size of a server where PostgreSQL can run effectively. But we’re now seeing that this is becoming a minimum typical configuration. One particular bottleneck that has emerged is the transaction counter, and this is a far more interesting issue. So, let’s dive into what the problem is, how we solved it, and what the international community thinks about it.

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Get Started with Gemini Code Assist in VS Code — Easy Tutorial

Reading time3 min

Have you ever heard of Gemini Code Assist? It’s an AI-powered coding assistant from Google that helps with writing, completing, and debugging code. The best part? It’s now free for individuals, freelancers, and students!

In this article, I’ll show you how to set up and use Gemini Code Assist inside VS Code. Whether you’re new to coding or an experienced developer, this tool can save you time and make coding easier. Let’s get started!

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Obsidian vault

Собрал своё платное хранилище для Obsidian и записал к нему объёмную видеоинструкцию (≈12 часов).

Хранилище объединяет в себе:

  • Базу знаний

  • Проектную систему

  • Систему управления делами

  • Систему контактов

  • Периодические заметки

Видеоинструкция направлена то, чтобы наглядно объяснить работу основных механик хранилища, а также чтобы раскрыть разные аспекты рабочего процесса.

Работа с системой будет рассмотрена в следующих контекстах (возможно позже я рассмотрю другие контексты):

  • Абитуриент/первокурсник биоинформатик (чтение и заметки)

  • Начинающий программист, готовящийся к стажировке и программист в корпорации (проектная система)

  • Инди-программист (структура хранилища)

Сравнительная таблица моих материалов на Habr и видеоинструкции:

Можно сказать, что видео будет расширять и конкретизировать материал, который был написан мною на Habr. Также хочу отметить, что в видеоинструкции сделан оооочень большой упор на процесс чтения и добычу заметок.

Более подробное описание хранилища. Можете также посмотреть открытое обсуждение данного хранилища и инструкции.


Anti-detect Browsers — How They Work, Which Anti-detect Browser to Choose, Personal Experience, and a Bit of Code

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time23 min

Anti-detect browsers emerged as a response to the spread of browser fingerprinting technologies – the covert identification of users based on a combination of their device’s parameters and environment. Modern websites, besides using cookies, track IP addresses, geolocation, and dozens of browser characteristics (such as Canvas, WebGL, the list of fonts, User-Agent, etc.) to distinguish and link visitors. As a result, even when in incognito mode or after changing one’s IP, a user can be detected by their “digital fingerprint” – a unique set of properties of their browser.

In fact, when I first started my journey in these internet realms, my expertise in digital security was evolving—and continues to grow—and I eventually came to understand browser fingerprints. At first, I believed cookies—collected by those pesky search engines that tracked what I viewed—were to blame, then I learned about browser fingerprints and long denied that I needed to learn to work with and understand them. Really, just when you finally figure out proxies, learn how to change and preserve cookies, here comes a new twist. Moreover, it turns out that fingerprints are also sold, and the price is not exactly low. In short, money is made on everything! But that’s beside the point now!

An anti-detect browser is a modified browser (often based on Chromium or Firefox) that substitutes or masks these properties (fingerprints), preventing websites from unequivocally identifying the user and detecting multi-accounting.

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HTTP or SOCKS Proxy: Which One to Choose?A Dilettante’s Analysis of the Differences between HTTP(S) and SOCKS Proxies

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time10 min

Proxy servers have long become an integral part of the modern network. They are used to enhance anonymity, bypass blocks, balance loads, and control traffic. However, not everyone understands that there is a fundamental difference between HTTP(S) proxies and SOCKS proxies. In this article, I will attempt to examine in detail the technical aspects of both types, review their advantages and limitations, and provide examples of configuration and usage – though this part is more of an elective (optional, if you will, but I really feel like including it).

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EMACS 30.1 вышел 24 февраля и вчера добрался до Андроид. Двумя способами - как пакет Termux и как загрузка с F-Droid. Не с play Store наверно из-за JIT.

Это же великий EMACS, так что это точно инфоповод к посту.

Но есть вопрос к знатокам - зачем EMACS на Андроид права на ВСЁ? Есть предположение: если EMACS есть операционная система по случаю редактирующая текст, то тогда ему нужны права на всё, что только может вознамериться делать любое его расширение, то есть просто на всё, но от этого менее страшно не становится.

Права с F-Droid:

  • android.permission.ACCEPT_HANDOVER

    Allows the app to continue a call which was started in another app.

  • android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID



  • android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_TOPICS

  • access location in the background

    This app can access location at any time, even while the app is not in use.

  • access approximate location only in the foreground

    This app can get your approximate location from location services while the app is in use. Location services for your device must be turned on for the app to get location.

  • access precise location only in the foreground

    This app can get your precise location from location services while the app is in use. Location services for your device must be turned on for the app to get location. This may increase battery usage.

  • access extra location provider commands

    Allows the app to access extra location provider commands. This may allow the app to interfere with the operation of the GPS or other location sources.

  • read locations from your media collection

    Allows the app to read locations from your media collection.

  • view network connections

    Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.

  • android.permission.ACCESS_NOTIFICATIONS

  • access Do Not Disturb

    Allows the app to read and write Do Not Disturb configuration.

  • view Wi-Fi connections

    Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.

  • recognize physical activity

    This app can recognize your physical activity.

  • answer phone calls

    Allows the app to answer an incoming phone call.

  • android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS

  • pair with Bluetooth devices

    Allows the app to view the configuration of the Bluetooth on the phone, and to make and accept connections with paired devices.

  • access Bluetooth settings

    Allows the app to configure the local Bluetooth phone, and to discover and pair with remote devices.

  • advertise to nearby Bluetooth devices

    Allows the app to advertise to nearby Bluetooth devices

  • connect to paired Bluetooth devices

    Allows the app to connect to paired Bluetooth devices

  • discover and pair nearby Bluetooth devices

    Allows the app to discover and pair nearby Bluetooth devices

  • access body sensors (like heart rate monitors)

    Allows the app to access data from sensors that monitor your physical condition, such as your heart rate.

  • Access body sensor data, like heart rate, while in the background

    Allows the app to access body sensor data, such as heart rate, temperature, and blood oxygen percentage, while the app is in the background.

  • send sticky broadcast

    Allows the app to send sticky broadcasts, which remain after the broadcast ends. Excessive use may make the phone slow or unstable by causing it to use too much memory.

  • directly call phone numbers

    Allows the app to call phone numbers without your intervention. This may result in unexpected charges or calls. Note that this doesn't allow the app to call emergency numbers. Malicious apps may cost you money by making calls without your confirmation.

  • take pictures and videos

    This app can take pictures and record videos using the camera while the app is in use.


  • change network connectivity

    Allows the app to change the state of network connectivity.

И ещё много-много всего что не лезет в формат поста.


Equivalence Classes for QA from the Perspective of Mathematical Analysis

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time4 min

This article explores the concept of equivalence classes from the perspective of mathematical analysis and their application in QA testing. The author explains how properly defining equivalence classes helps optimize test design, reducing the number of test cases while maintaining thorough verification.

Using the example of currency conversion from rubles to euros, the article demonstrates how to construct equivalence classes, verify their compliance with mathematical properties (reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity), and identify errors in data partitioning.

This article is useful for QA engineers, developers, and analysts who want to gain a deeper understanding of logical testing principles and improve the efficiency of their test strategies.

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The myth of error-free programming

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time3 min

There have been many discussions about which programming language is better in terms of security and correctness of source code (by "correctness and security" we mean the absence of various errors in the program that manifest themselves at the stage of its execution and lead to the issuance of an incorrect result or unexpected behavior). And some programming languages, such as SPARK or OCaml, were even specially developed to facilitate the proof of program correctness.

Is it possible to write programs without errors at all?

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Fantastic ! Look at >> source code (or take it from my telegram) of the Ping-Pong game prototype on MatPlotLib (scientific graphics on python) with high FPS=40.

Previously, in my >>article on Habr, the application of PyGame for graph plotting was reviewed, and now, conversely, we're creating a game on a system designed for scientific graph plotting. In the previous version, attempting to output text with high FPS resulted in significant "lag"; in the current version, this issue is resolved.

In the code for rendering all game elements, only MatPlotLib objects are used: tennis rackets are represented as bar charts, the ball as a scatter plot, the game field itself as a figure object from MatPlotLib, and text is also output using built-in MatPlotLib functions. For animation, the built-in MatPlotLib Animation object + update() is used. FPS=40 (forty!).

P.S. The yellow bar chart represents the distribution of Y-axis coordinates where the racket hits the ball. It updates with every hit of the racket on the ball.


What's New in Postgres Pro Enterprise 17: From Proxima to Intelligent Data Management

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time5 min

Postgres Pro Enterprise 17 introduces major improvements in performance and scalability. The key feature of this new release is the proxima extension, which combines connection pooling, proxying, and load balancing within the database core. Developers also gain improved tools for managing message queues, optimizing queries, enhancing security, and utilizing smart data storage. Want to know how these and other features can impact your applications and simplify database administration?

This article provides a brief overview of the release, accompanied by the links to more detailed information.

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HuggingChat from Hugging Face: A Free ChatGPT Alternative

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time3 min

Are you looking for a free alternative to ChatGPT? If so, you’re in the right place! In this article, I will introduce you to HuggingChat, an open-source AI chatbot from Hugging Face. Unlike other AI models like ChatGPT or Gemini, HuggingChat runs on various open-source models that you can explore, modify, and even fine-tune according to your needs. Let’s dive in!

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How to make a valuable UX Designer portfolio: 5 components to add, 5 mistakes to avoid

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time4 min

Portfolio is one of the most important things a UX designer should have - it plays a defining role during the job application process. In professional circles it is even called a designer’s “calling card”. Portfolio is not just a collection of your work - it’s your way to present yourself, your problem-solving skills and your talent. No matter whether you’re a freelance designer who posts their portfolio online to attract clients, or if you prepare a portfolio for the HR team at a job interview, you should try to make it look both serious and interesting, while not overloading it with too much information. In this article we’ve collected a list of components that a good portfolio should contain and mistakes that should be avoided when compiling it - let’s discuss them.

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What the different between Residential Proxy, Mobile Proxy and Datacenter Proxies? A Dilettante’s Perspective

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time5 min

The topic of proxies has always been approached (at least, that’s how the publications I encountered did) from the standpoint of complex terminology, which often remains unclear to the layman—someone not particularly versed in these internet matters. I decided to delve into the issue, and here is what I came up with:

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PostgreSQL 18: Part 2 or CommitFest 2024-09

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time14 min

Statistically, September CommitFests feature the fewest commits. Apparently, the version 18 CommitFest is an outlier. There are many accepted patches and many interesting new features to talk about.

If you missed the July CommitFest, get up to speed here: 2024-07.

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How to bypass hCaptcha in Modern Times: Has Mavr Left and Been Replaced by a New One? Let's check «new» hcaptcha solver

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time7 min

If you are into automation and keep up with trends, you’ve probably noticed that, at some point, difficulties in hCaptcha bypass began to emerge. What kind of difficulties? Several major captcha recognition services, such as 2captcha, have removed any mention of how to bypass hCaptcha from their documentation, and the presence of thematic tweets on Twitter (along with official responses from the service) confirms my suspicion that something has happened… Let’s figure out what happened, why 2captcha no longer bypass hCaptcha, and what role solvecaptcha plays in creating new hCaptcha solver.

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How to Sync Obsidian Notes Across Devices for Free Using GitHub

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time4 min

Obsidian is one of the best note-taking apps available today. It provides a powerful, Markdown-based experience with local-first storage. However, there is one problem: the official sync feature costs around $8 per month. What if I told you there’s a way to sync your notes across multiple devices completely free? In this guide, I will walk you through a method using GitHub and Git that allows you to keep your notes in sync without spending a dime.

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